(function(){ var KasperskyLab = {SIGNATURE:"7D8B79A2-8974-4D7B-A76A-F4F29624C06BDe5OiAsJ_-T67wPOAf6dsL66BDVi4mx6mHzlgaxlt_LQRPk9_90rF63kQbCkz-moeSz4lgQWweiun5gpa042Rw",PREFIX:"https://gc.kis.v2.scr.kaspersky-labs.com/",INJECT_ID:"FD126C42-EBFA-4E12-B309-BB3FDD723AC1",RESOURCE_ID:"E3E8934C-235A-4B0E-825A-35A08381A191",IsWebExtension: function(){return false;}}; var KasperskyLab = (function (context) { function GetClass(obj) { if (typeof obj === "undefined") return "undefined"; if (obj === null) return "null"; return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) .match(/^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1]; } var exports = {}, undef; function ObjectToJson(object) { if (object === null || object == Infinity || object == -Infinity || object === undef) return "null"; var className = GetClass(object); if (className == "Boolean") { return "" + object; } else if (className == "Number") { return window.isNaN(object) ? "null" : "" + object; } else if (className == "String") { var escapedStr = "" + object; return "\"" + escapedStr.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\"/g, "\\\"") + "\""; } if (typeof object == "object") { if (!ObjectToJson.check) ObjectToJson.check = []; for (var i=0, chkLen=ObjectToJson.check.length ; i 1 ? originParts[1] : originParts[0]; return origin[0] === "/" ? document.location.protocol + origin : origin; } ns.IsCorsRequest = function(url, initiator) { url = typeof(url) != 'string' ? url.toString() : url; var urlOrigin = GetHostAndPort(url); var initiatorOrigin = GetHostAndPort(initiator); return !!urlOrigin && !!initiatorOrigin && urlOrigin != initiatorOrigin; } var originalWindowOpen = window.open; ns.WindowOpen = function(url) { if (typeof(originalWindowOpen) === "function") originalWindowOpen.call(window, url); else originalWindowOpen(url); } ns.EncodeURI = encodeURI; ns.GetResourceSrc = function(resourceName) { return ns.GetBaseUrl() + ns.RESOURCE_ID + resourceName; }; ns.IsRelativeTransport = function() { return ns.PREFIX == "/"; 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function ProcessEvent(event) { if (!m_callback) return; if (m_functionCheckInteresting(event.target)) m_callback(); } this.Start = function(callback) { ns.AddRemovableEventListener(window, "DOMNodeInserted", ProcessEvent); ns.AddRemovableEventListener(window, "DOMNodeRemoved", ProcessEvent); m_callback = callback; } this.Stop = function() { ns.RemoveEventListener(window, "DOMNodeInserted", ProcessEvent); ns.RemoveEventListener(window, "DOMNodeRemoved", ProcessEvent); m_callback = null; } } function TimeoutChangeObserver(observeTag) { var m_interval; var m_callback; var m_tagCount; var m_attribute = 'klot_' + ns.GetCurrentTime(); function IsChangesOccure(nodeList) { for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) if (!nodeList[i][m_attribute]) return true; return false; } function FillTagInfo(nodeList) { m_tagCount = nodeList.length; for (var i = 0; i < m_tagCount; ++i) nodeList[i][m_attribute] = true; } function TimeoutProcess() { if (!m_callback) return; var nodeList = observeTag ? document.getElementsByTagName(observeTag) : document.getElementsByTagName("*"); 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a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[0], 7, -680876936); d = ff(d, a, b, c, k[1], 12, -389564586); c = ff(c, d, a, b, k[2], 17, 606105819); b = ff(b, c, d, a, k[3], 22, -1044525330); a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[4], 7, -176418897); d = ff(d, a, b, c, k[5], 12, 1200080426); c = ff(c, d, a, b, k[6], 17, -1473231341); b = ff(b, c, d, a, k[7], 22, -45705983); a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[8], 7, 1770035416); d = ff(d, a, b, c, k[9], 12, -1958414417); c = ff(c, d, a, b, k[10], 17, -42063); b = ff(b, c, d, a, k[11], 22, -1990404162); a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[12], 7, 1804603682); d = ff(d, a, b, c, k[13], 12, -40341101); c = ff(c, d, a, b, k[14], 17, -1502002290); b = ff(b, c, d, a, k[15], 22, 1236535329); a = gg(a, b, c, d, k[1], 5, -165796510); d = gg(d, a, b, c, k[6], 9, -1069501632); c = gg(c, d, a, b, k[11], 14, 643717713); b = gg(b, c, d, a, k[0], 20, -373897302); a = gg(a, b, c, d, k[5], 5, -701558691); d = gg(d, a, b, c, k[10], 9, 38016083); c = gg(c, d, a, b, k[15], 14, -660478335); b = gg(b, c, d, a, k[4], 20, -405537848); a = gg(a, b, c, d, k[9], 5, 568446438); d = gg(d, a, b, c, k[14], 9, -1019803690); c = gg(c, d, a, b, k[3], 14, -187363961); b = gg(b, c, d, a, k[8], 20, 1163531501); a = gg(a, b, c, d, k[13], 5, -1444681467); d = gg(d, a, b, c, k[2], 9, -51403784); c = gg(c, d, a, b, k[7], 14, 1735328473); b = gg(b, c, d, a, k[12], 20, -1926607734); a = hh(a, b, c, d, k[5], 4, -378558); d = hh(d, a, b, c, k[8], 11, -2022574463); c = hh(c, d, a, b, k[11], 16, 1839030562); b = hh(b, c, d, a, k[14], 23, -35309556); a = hh(a, b, c, d, k[1], 4, -1530992060); d = hh(d, a, b, c, k[4], 11, 1272893353); c = hh(c, d, a, b, k[7], 16, -155497632); b = hh(b, c, d, a, k[10], 23, -1094730640); a = hh(a, b, c, d, k[13], 4, 681279174); d = hh(d, a, b, c, k[0], 11, -358537222); c = hh(c, d, a, b, k[3], 16, -722521979); b = hh(b, c, d, a, k[6], 23, 76029189); a = hh(a, b, c, d, k[9], 4, -640364487); d = hh(d, a, b, c, k[12], 11, -421815835); c = hh(c, d, a, b, k[15], 16, 530742520); b = hh(b, c, d, a, k[2], 23, -995338651); a = ii(a, b, c, d, k[0], 6, -198630844); d = ii(d, a, b, c, k[7], 10, 1126891415); c = ii(c, d, a, b, k[14], 15, -1416354905); b = ii(b, c, d, a, k[5], 21, -57434055); a = ii(a, b, c, d, k[12], 6, 1700485571); d = ii(d, a, b, c, k[3], 10, -1894986606); c = ii(c, d, a, b, k[10], 15, -1051523); b = ii(b, c, d, a, k[1], 21, -2054922799); a = ii(a, b, c, d, k[8], 6, 1873313359); d = ii(d, a, b, c, k[15], 10, -30611744); c = ii(c, d, a, b, k[6], 15, -1560198380); b = ii(b, c, d, a, k[13], 21, 1309151649); a = ii(a, b, c, d, k[4], 6, -145523070); d = ii(d, a, b, c, k[11], 10, -1120210379); c = ii(c, d, a, b, k[2], 15, 718787259); b = ii(b, c, d, a, k[9], 21, -343485551); x[0] = add32(a, x[0]); x[1] = add32(b, x[1]); x[2] = add32(c, x[2]); x[3] = add32(d, x[3]); } function cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t) { a = add32(add32(a, q), add32(x, t)); return add32((a << s) | (a >>> (32 - s)), b); } function ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t); } function gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t); } function hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return cmn(b^c^d, a, b, x, s, t); } function ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return cmn(c^(b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t); } function md51(s) { var n = s.length, state = [1732584193, -271733879, -1732584194, 271733878], i; for (i = 64; i <= s.length; i += 64) { md5cycle(state, md5blk(s.substring(i - 64, i))); } s = s.substring(i - 64); var tail = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) tail[i >> 2] |= s.charCodeAt(i) << ((i % 4) << 3); tail[i >> 2] |= 0x80 << ((i % 4) << 3); if (i > 55) { md5cycle(state, tail); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) tail[i] = 0; } tail[14] = n * 8; md5cycle(state, tail); return state; } function md5blk(s) { var md5blks = [], i; for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 4) { md5blks[i >> 2] = s.charCodeAt(i) + (s.charCodeAt(i + 1) << 8) + (s.charCodeAt(i + 2) << 16) + (s.charCodeAt(i + 3) << 24); } return md5blks; } var hex_chr = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''); function rhex(n) { var s = '', j = 0; for (; j < 4; j++) s += hex_chr[(n >> (j * 8 + 4)) & 0x0F]+hex_chr[(n >> (j * 8)) & 0x0F]; return s; } function hex(x) { for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) x[i] = rhex(x[i]); return x.join(''); } ns.md5 = function (s) { return hex(md51(s)); }; function add32(a, b) { return (a + b) & 0xFFFFFFFF; } if (ns.md5('hello') != '5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592') { add32 = function(x, y) { var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF), msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16); return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF); } } })(KasperskyLab || {}); var KasperskyLab = (function ( ns) { ns.NMSTransportSupported = false; return ns; }) (KasperskyLab || {}); var KasperskyLab = (function (ns) { ns.AjaxTransportSupported = true; var ajaxRequestProvider = (function () { var oldOpen = window.XMLHttpRequest && window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; var oldSend = window.XMLHttpRequest && window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; var oldXHR = window.XMLHttpRequest; var oldXDR = window.XDomainRequest; return { GetAsyncRequest: function () { var xmlhttp = oldXDR ? new oldXDR() : new oldXHR(); if (!oldXDR) { xmlhttp.open = oldOpen; xmlhttp.send = oldSend; } xmlhttp.onprogress = function(){}; return xmlhttp; }, GetSyncRequest: function () { var xmlhttp = new oldXHR(); xmlhttp.open = oldOpen; xmlhttp.send = oldSend; xmlhttp.onprogress = function(){}; return xmlhttp; } }; })(); var restoreSessionCallback = function(){}; var PingPongCallReceiver = function(caller) { var m_caller = caller; var m_isProductConnected = false; var m_pingWaitResponse = false; var m_requestDelay = ns.MaxRequestDelay; var m_requestTimer = null; var m_callCallback = function(){}; var m_errorCallback = function(){}; var m_updateCallback = function(){}; function SendRequest() { try { m_caller.Call( "from", null, null, true, function(result, parameters, method) { m_pingWaitResponse = false; m_isProductConnected = true; if (parameters === "undefined" || method === "undefined") { m_errorCallback('AJAX pong is not received. Product is deactivated'); return; } if (method) { ns.SetTimeout(function () { SendRequest(); }, 0); m_callCallback(method, parameters); } }, function(error) { m_pingWaitResponse = false; m_isProductConnected = false; restoreSessionCallback(); m_errorCallback(error); }); m_pingWaitResponse = true; } catch (e) { m_errorCallback('Ajax send ping exception: ' + (e.message || e)); } } function Ping() { try { if (m_pingWaitResponse) { m_requestTimer = ns.SetTimeout(Ping, 100); return; } m_requestDelay = m_updateCallback(); SendRequest(); m_requestTimer = ns.SetTimeout(Ping, m_requestDelay); } catch (e) { m_errorCallback('Send ping request: ' + (e.message || e)); } } this.StartReceive = function(callCallback, errorCallback, updateCallback) { m_isProductConnected = true; m_callCallback = callCallback; m_errorCallback = errorCallback; m_updateCallback = updateCallback; m_requestDelay = m_updateCallback(); m_requestTimer = ns.SetTimeout(Ping, m_requestDelay); }; this.ForceReceive = function() { clearTimeout(m_requestTimer); m_requestTimer = ns.SetTimeout(Ping, 0); } this.StopReceive = function() { clearTimeout(m_requestTimer); m_requestTimer = null; m_callCallback = function(){}; m_errorCallback = function(){}; m_updateCallback = function(){}; }; this.IsStarted = function() { return m_requestTimer !== null; } this.IsProductConnected = function() { return m_isProductConnected; }; }; var LongPoolingReceiver = function(caller) { var m_caller = caller; var m_isProductConnected = false; var m_isStarted = false; var m_callCallback = function(){}; var m_errorCallback = function(){}; function SendRequest() { try { m_isProductConnected = true; m_caller.Call( "longpooling", null, null, true, OnResponse, function(error) { m_isProductConnected = false; restoreSessionCallback(); m_errorCallback(error); }, true); } catch (e) { ns.SessionError(e, "ajax"); m_errorCallback("Ajax send ping exception: " + (e.message || e)); } } function OnResponse(result, parameters, method) { if (!ns.IsDefined(parameters) || !ns.IsDefined(method)) { m_errorCallback('AJAX pong is not received. Product is deactivated'); return; } ns.SetTimeout(function () { SendRequest(); }, 0); if (method) m_callCallback(method, parameters); } this.StartReceive = function(callCallback, errorCallback) { m_isStarted = true; m_callCallback = callCallback; m_errorCallback = errorCallback; SendRequest(); }; this.ForceReceive = function(){} this.StopReceive = function() { m_isStarted = false; m_callCallback = function(){}; m_errorCallback = function(){}; }; this.IsStarted = function() { return m_isStarted; } this.IsProductConnected = function() { return m_isProductConnected; }; }; ns.AjaxCaller = function() { var m_path = ns.GetBaseUrl() + ns.SIGNATURE; var m_longPooling; var m_longPoolingRequest; function NoCacheParameter() { return "&nocache=" + Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16); } function GetEncodedPluginsParameter(injectors) { return (injectors) ? "&plugins=" + encodeURIComponent(injectors) : ""; } function PrepareRequestObject(command, commandAttribute, isPost, isAsync) { var request = isAsync ? ajaxRequestProvider.GetAsyncRequest() : ajaxRequestProvider.GetSyncRequest(); if (request) { var urlPath = m_path + "/" + command; if (commandAttribute) urlPath += "/" + commandAttribute; if (isPost) { request.open("POST", urlPath); } else { if (urlPath.indexOf("?") === -1) urlPath += "?get"; urlPath += NoCacheParameter(); request.open("GET", urlPath, isAsync); } if (request.setRequestHeader && ns.IsRelativeTransport()) request.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); } return request; } function ClearRequest(request) { request.onerror = function(){}; request.onload = function(){}; } function AsyncCall(command, commandAttribute, data, callbackResult, callbackError, isLongPoolingCall) { try { var request = PrepareRequestObject(command, commandAttribute, data ? true : false, true); if (!request) { callbackError && callbackError("Cannot create AJAX request!"); return; } var timeout; if (!m_longPooling) { timeout = ns.SetTimeout(function () { callbackError && callbackError("Cannot send AJAX request for calling " + command + "/" + commandAttribute); request.abort(); ClearRequest(request); }, 120000); } request.onerror = function () { clearTimeout(timeout); ClearRequest(request); callbackError && callbackError("AJAX request error for calling " + command + "/" + commandAttribute); }; request.onload = function () { clearTimeout(timeout); ClearRequest(request); if (request.responseText && (!ns.IsDefined(request.status) || request.status === 200)) { if (callbackResult) callbackResult(request.responseText); return; } if (callbackError) callbackError("AJAX request with unsupported url type!"); }; if (isLongPoolingCall) m_longPoolingRequest = request; request.send(data); ns.Log("Call native function " + command + "/" + commandAttribute); } catch (e) { if (callbackError) callbackError("AJAX request " + command + "/" + commandAttribute + " exception: " + (e.message || e)); } }; function SyncCall(command, commandAttribute, data, callbackResult, callbackError) { try { var request = PrepareRequestObject(command, commandAttribute + "?" + ns.EncodeURI(data), false, false); if (!request) { callbackError && callbackError("Cannot create AJAX request!"); return false; } request.send(); if (!ns.IsDefined(request.status) || request.status === 200) { if (callbackResult && request.responseText) callbackResult(request.responseText); request = null; return true; } } catch (e) { if (callbackError) callbackError("AJAX request " + command + " exception: " + (e.message || e)); } return false; } this.Start = function(callbackSuccess) { callbackSuccess(); } this.SendLog = function(message) { AsyncCall("log?" + encodeURIComponent(message)); } this.Call = function(command, commandAttribute, data, isAsync, callbackResult, callbackError, isLongPoolingCall) { var callFunction = (isAsync || !ns.IsDefined(isAsync)) ? AsyncCall : SyncCall; return callFunction( command, commandAttribute, data, function(responseText) { var commandResponse = ns.JSONParse(responseText); if (commandResponse.result === -1610612735) { callFunction( command, commandAttribute, data, function(responseText) { if (!callbackResult) return; commandResponse = ns.JSONParse(responseText); callbackResult(commandResponse.result, commandResponse.parameters, commandResponse.method); }, callbackError, isLongPoolingCall); } else { if (callbackResult) callbackResult(commandResponse.result, commandResponse.parameters, commandResponse.method); } }, callbackError, isLongPoolingCall); } this.Shutdown = function() { if (m_longPoolingRequest) { if (m_longPoolingRequest.abort) m_longPoolingRequest.abort(); ClearRequest(m_longPoolingRequest); m_longPoolingRequest = null; } } this.InitCall = function(injectors, pluginsInitData, callbackResult, callbackError) { restoreSessionCallback = callbackError; var pluginsParameter = GetEncodedPluginsParameter(injectors); var serializedInitData = (pluginsInitData.length) ? "&data=" + encodeURIComponent(ns.JSONStringify({data : pluginsInitData})) : ""; var isTopLevel = "&isTopLevel=" + (window && window == window.top).toString(); if (ns.StartLocationHref == "data:text/html,chromewebdata") return callbackError(); AsyncCall( "init?url=" + encodeURIComponent(ns.StartLocationHref) + pluginsParameter + serializedInitData + isTopLevel, null, null, function(responseText) { try { var initSettings = ns.JSONParse(responseText); m_path = ns.GetBaseUrl() + initSettings.ajaxId + '/' + initSettings.sessionId; m_longPooling = initSettings.longPooling; callbackResult(initSettings); } catch(e) { restoreSessionCallback && restoreSessionCallback("Error " + e.name + ": " + e.message); } }, callbackError); } this.GetReceiver = function() { return m_longPooling ? new LongPoolingReceiver(this) : new PingPongCallReceiver(this); } }; return ns; }) (KasperskyLab || {}); var KasperskyLab = (function ( ns) { ns.WebSocketTransportSupported = ns.IsDefined(window.WebSocket); if (!ns.WebSocketTransportSupported) return ns; var webSocketProvider = function() { var WebSocketObject = WebSocket; var WebSocketSend = WebSocket.prototype.send; var WebSocketClose = WebSocket.prototype.close; return { GetWebSocket: function(path) { var webSocket = new WebSocketObject(path); webSocket.send = WebSocketSend; webSocket.close = WebSocketClose; return webSocket; } } }(); ns.WebSocketCaller = function() { var m_socket; var m_waitResponse = {}; var m_callReceiver = function(){}; var m_errorCallback = function(){}; var m_callReceiverEnabled = false; var m_connected = false; var m_initialized = false; var m_deferredCalls = []; var m_wasCallbackErrorCalled = false; function GetWebSocket(callbackSuccess, callbackError) { var url = ns.GetBaseUrl(); var webSocketPath = (url.indexOf("https:") === 0) ? "wss" + url.substr(5) : "ws" + url.substr(4); webSocketPath += ns.SIGNATURE + "/websocket?url=" + encodeURIComponent(ns.StartLocationHref) + "&nocache=" + (new Date().getTime()); var webSocket; try { webSocket = webSocketProvider.GetWebSocket(webSocketPath); } catch (e) { throw e; } webSocket.onmessage = function(arg) { ProcessMessage(arg, callbackError); }; webSocket.onerror = function() { ClearWebSocket(webSocket); if (!m_wasCallbackErrorCalled && callbackError) callbackError(); m_wasCallbackErrorCalled = true; } webSocket.onopen = function() { m_wasCallbackErrorCalled = false; m_connected = true; if (callbackSuccess) callbackSuccess(); } webSocket.onclose = function(closeEvent) { m_connected = false; if (closeEvent && closeEvent.code == 1006) webSocket.onerror(closeEvent); ClearWebSocket(webSocket); m_errorCallback("websocket closed"); }; return webSocket; } function ClearWebSocket(ws) { ws.onmessage = function(){}; ws.onerror = function(){}; ws.onopen = function(){}; ws.onclose = function(){}; } function ProcessMessage(arg, errorCallback) { try { m_wasCallbackErrorCalled = false; var response = ns.JSONParse(arg.data); if (m_waitResponse[response.callId]) { var callWaiter = m_waitResponse[response.callId]; delete m_waitResponse[response.callId]; clearTimeout(callWaiter.timeout); if (callWaiter.callbackResult) callWaiter.callbackResult(response.commandData); return; } if (!m_initialized) { m_deferredCalls.push(arg); return; } if (response.command === "from") { var command = ns.JSONParse(response.commandData); m_callReceiver(command.method, command.parameters); } else if (response.command === "reconnect") { m_socket.onmessage = function(){}; m_socket.onerror = function(){}; m_socket.onopen = function(){}; m_socket.onclose = function(){}; m_socket.close(); m_socket = GetWebSocket(function() { CallImpl("restore", "", response.commandData); }, errorCallback); } } catch (e) { ns.SessionError(e, "websoket") } } function CallImpl(command, commandAttribute, data, callbackResult, callbackError) { try { var callId = 0; if (callbackResult || callbackError) { callId = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000); var timeout = ns.SetTimeout(function() { delete m_waitResponse[callId]; if (callbackError) callbackError("websocket call timeout for " + command + "/" + commandAttribute); }, 120000); var callWaiter = { callId: callId, callbackResult: callbackResult, timeout: timeout }; m_waitResponse[callId] = callWaiter; } m_socket.send(ns.JSONStringify( { callId: callId, command: command, commandAttribute: commandAttribute || "", commandData: data || "" })); } catch (e) { if (callbackError) callbackError("websocket call " + command + "/" + commandAttribute + " exception: " + (e.message || e)); } } this.Start = function(callbackSuccess, callbackError) { try { m_socket = GetWebSocket(callbackSuccess, callbackError); } catch (e) { if (callbackError) callbackError("websocket start exception: " + (e.message || e)); } } this.SendLog = function(message) { CallImpl("log", null, message); } this.Call = function(command, commandAttribute, data, isAsync, callbackResult, callbackError) { if (ns.IsDefined(isAsync) && !isAsync) return false; CallImpl( command, commandAttribute, data, callbackResult ? function(responseText) { if (callbackResult) { var command = ns.JSONParse(responseText); callbackResult(command.result, command.parameters, command.method); } } : null, callbackError); } this.InitCall = function(injectors, pluginsInitData, callbackResult, callbackError) { var initData = { url: ns.StartLocationHref, plugins: injectors, data: { data : pluginsInitData }, isTopLevel: (window && window == window.top) }; if (ns.StartLocationHref == "data:text/html,chromewebdata") return callbackError(); CallImpl("init", null, ns.JSONStringify(initData), function(responseText) { m_initialized = true; var initSettings = ns.JSONParse(responseText); if (initSettings.Shutdown !== undefined) return; callbackResult(initSettings); for (var i = 0; i < m_deferredCalls.length; ++i) ProcessMessage(m_deferredCalls[i], callbackError); m_deferredCalls = []; }, callbackError); } this.GetReceiver = function() { return this; } this.StartReceive = function(callMethod, errorCallback) { m_callReceiverEnabled = true; m_callReceiver = callMethod; m_errorCallback = errorCallback; } this.ForceReceive = function(){}; this.StopReceive = function() { m_callReceiverEnabled = false; m_callReceiver = function(){}; m_errorCallback = function(){}; if (m_socket) { m_connected = false; m_socket.onmessage = function(){}; m_socket.onerror = function(){}; m_socket.onopen = function(){}; m_socket.onclose = function(){}; m_socket.close(); m_socket = null; } } this.IsStarted = function() { return m_callReceiverEnabled; } this.IsProductConnected = function() { return m_connected; } } return ns; }) (KasperskyLab || {}); var kaspersyLabSessionInstance = null; (function ( ns) { var currentLocationHref = document.location.href; if (ns.WORK_IDENTIFIERS) { var workIdentifiers = ns.WORK_IDENTIFIERS.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < workIdentifiers.length; ++i) { if (window[workIdentifiers[i]]) { ns.AddRunner = function(){}; ns.AddRunner2 = function(){}; return; } window[workIdentifiers[i]] = true; } } if (ns.INJECT_ID) removeThisScriptElement(ns.INJECT_ID); function removeThisScriptElement(injectId) { var pattern = injectId.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0, scriptsCount = document.scripts.length; i < scriptsCount; ++i) { var tag = document.scripts[i]; if (typeof tag.src === 'string' && tag.src.length > 45 && tag.src.toLowerCase().indexOf(pattern) > 0 && /\/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\/main.js/.test(tag.src)) { tag.parentElement.removeChild(tag); break; } } } var CallReceiver = function (caller) { var m_plugins = {}; var m_receiver = caller.GetReceiver(); var m_caller = caller; var m_selfMethods = {}; this.RegisterMethod = function (methodName, callback) { var pluginId = GetPluginIdFromMethodName(methodName); if (pluginId) { var methods = GetPluginMethods(pluginId); if (methods) { if (methods[methodName]) { throw 'Already registered method ' + methodName; } methods[methodName] = callback; } else { throw 'Cannot registered ' + methodName; } } else if (CheckCommonMethodName(methodName)) { if (m_selfMethods[methodName]) throw 'Already registered method ' + methodName; m_selfMethods[methodName] = callback; } }; this.RegisterPlugin = function (pluginId, callbackPing, callbackError) { if (m_plugins[pluginId]) { throw 'Already started plugin ' + pluginId; } var plugin = { onError: callbackError, onPing: callbackPing, methods: {} }; m_plugins[pluginId] = plugin; if (!m_receiver.IsStarted()) m_receiver.StartReceive(CallMethod, ReportError, UpdateDelay); }; this.UnregisterPlugin = function (pluginId) { delete m_plugins[pluginId]; if (IsPluginListEmpty()) m_receiver.StopReceive(); }; this.ForceReceive = function() { m_receiver.ForceReceive(); } this.UnregisterAll = function () { if (IsPluginListEmpty()) return; m_receiver.StopReceive(); m_plugins = {}; }; this.IsEmpty = IsPluginListEmpty; function IsPluginListEmpty() { for (var key in m_plugins) { if (m_plugins.hasOwnProperty(key)) return false; } return true; } this.IsProductConnected = function() { return m_receiver.IsProductConnected(); } function UpdateDelay() { var newDelay = ns.MaxRequestDelay; var currentTime = ns.GetCurrentTime(); for (var pluginId in m_plugins) { try { var onPing = m_plugins[pluginId].onPing; if (onPing) { var delay = onPing(currentTime); if (delay < newDelay && delay > 0 && delay < ns.MaxRequestDelay) { newDelay = delay; } } } catch (e) { ReportPluginError(pluginId, 'UpdateDelay: ' + (e.message || e)); } } return newDelay; } function ReportPluginError(pluginId, status) { var onError = m_plugins[pluginId].onError; if (onError) onError(status); } function ReportError(status) { for (var pluginId in m_plugins) ReportPluginError(pluginId, status); } function GetPluginIdFromMethodName(methodName) { if (methodName) { var names = methodName.split('.', 2); if (names.length === 2) { return names[0]; } } return null; } function CheckCommonMethodName(methodName) { if (methodName) { var names = methodName.split('.', 2); if (names.length === 1 && names[0] == methodName) { return true; } } return false; } function GetPluginMethods(pluginId) { var plugin = m_plugins[pluginId]; return plugin ? plugin.methods : null; } function CallPluginMethod(pluginId, methodName, args) { var callback; if (pluginId) { var methods = GetPluginMethods(pluginId); if (methods) callback = methods[methodName]; } else { callback = m_selfMethods[methodName]; } if (callback) { try { if (args) callback(ns.JSONParse(args)); else callback(); m_caller.SendLog(methodName + " executed."); return true; } catch (e) { m_caller.SendLog("Call " + methodName + " in plugin " + (pluginId ? pluginId : "common") + " error: " + (e.message || e)); } } m_caller.SendLog("Cannot call " + methodName + " for plugin " + (pluginId ? pluginId : "common")); return false; } function CallMethod(methodName, args) { ns.Log("Try to find js callback " + methodName); var pluginId = GetPluginIdFromMethodName(methodName); if (pluginId || CheckCommonMethodName(methodName)) CallPluginMethod(pluginId, methodName, args); } }; var KasperskyLabSessionClass = function (caller) { var self = this; var m_caller = caller; var m_callReceiver = new CallReceiver(caller); function CallImpl(methodName, argsObj, callbackResult, callbackError, isAsync) { if (!m_callReceiver.IsProductConnected()) return; var data = (argsObj) ? ns.JSONStringify( { result: 0, method: methodName, parameters: ns.JSONStringify(argsObj) }) : null; var callback = function(result, args, method) { if (callbackResult) callbackResult(result, args ? ns.JSONParse(args) : null, method); }; return m_caller.Call("to", methodName, data, isAsync, callback, callbackError); } function Call(methodName, arrayOfArgs, callbackResult, callbackError) { CallImpl(methodName, arrayOfArgs, callbackResult, callbackError, true); } function SyncCall(methodName, arrayOfArgs, callbackResult, callbackError) { return CallImpl(methodName, arrayOfArgs, callbackResult, callbackError, false); } function Stop() { try { m_callReceiver.UnregisterAll(); ns.Log("session stopped"); if (m_callReceiver.IsProductConnected()) { if (!m_caller.Call("shutdown", null, null, false)) m_caller.Call("shutdown"); } if (m_caller.Shutdown) m_caller.Shutdown(); } catch (e) { } } function DeactivatePlugin(pluginId) { ns.Log('DeactivatePlugin ' + pluginId); m_callReceiver.UnregisterPlugin(pluginId); if (m_callReceiver.IsEmpty()) { Stop(); } } function ActivatePlugin(pluginId, callbackPing, callbackError) { ns.Log('ActivatePlugin ' + pluginId); m_callReceiver.RegisterPlugin(pluginId, callbackPing, function (e) { callbackError && callbackError(e); m_callReceiver.UnregisterPlugin(pluginId); if (m_callReceiver.IsEmpty()) { Stop(); } }); } function RegisterMethod(methodName, callback) { ns.Log('RegisterMethod ' + methodName); m_callReceiver.RegisterMethod(methodName, callback); } function ReloadPage() { window.location.reload(true); } function StartInjector(param) { var pluginStartData = {}; var runner = runners[param.injectorName]; if (runner && runner.getParameters) pluginStartData = { plugin: runner, parameters: ns.JSONStringify(runner.getParameters()) }; m_caller.StartCall( param.injectorName, pluginStartData, function (plugin) { if (runner && plugin) { var settings; if (ns.IsDefined(plugin.settingsJson)) settings = (plugin.settingsJson) ? ns.JSONParse(plugin.settingsJson) : null; else settings = plugin.settings; var localization = ns.IsDefined(plugin.localizationDictionary) ? LocalizationObjectFromDictionary(plugin.localizationDictionary) : null; runner.runner(KasperskyLab, kaspersyLabSessionInstance, settings, localization); } }, function () { OnStartError(param.injectorName); }); } function OnStartError(injectorName) { try { var connectionErrorCallback = runners[injectorName].onConnectionError; if (connectionErrorCallback) connectionErrorCallback(); } catch (e) { ns.Log(e); } } function StopInjector(param) { var runner = runners[param.injectorName]; m_caller.StopCall( param.injectorName, function (plugin) { if (runner && plugin && runner.stop) { runner.stop(KasperskyLab, kaspersyLabSessionInstance); } }, function () { OnStopError(param.injectorName); }); } function OnStopError(injectorName) { ns.Log("Stop " + injectorName + "injector failed"); } RegisterMethod('reload', ReloadPage); RegisterMethod('start', StartInjector); RegisterMethod('stop', StopInjector); this.Log = function(error) { try { if (!this.IsProductConnected()) return; var msg = "" + (error.message || error); if (error.stack) msg += "\r\n" + error.stack; msg && msg.length <= 2048 ? m_caller.SendLog(msg) : m_caller.SendLog(msg.substring(0, 2048) + '<...>'); } catch(e) { ns.Log(e.message || e); } }; this.LogError = function(error, injector) { try { if (!m_callReceiver.IsProductConnected()) return; if (!injector) injector = "common"; var msg = "" + (error.message || error); if (error.stack) msg += "\r\n" + error.stack; m_caller.Call("logerr", null, ns.JSONStringify({error: msg, injector: injector})); } catch(e) { ns.Log(e.message || e); } } this.UnhandledException = function(e) { try { if (!m_callReceiver.IsProductConnected()) return; if (!e.filename) return; var val = ns.INJECT_ID; if (!val || e.filename.indexOf(val) == -1) return; var errInfo = {}; errInfo.error = e.message && e.message.length > 1024? (e.message.substring(0, 1019) + '<...>') : e.message; errInfo.script = e.filename && e.filename.length > 1024 ? (e.filename.substring(0, 1019) + '<...>') : e.filename; errInfo.line = e.lineno; errInfo.column = e.colno; if (e.error) errInfo.stack = e.error.stack && e.error.stack.length > 2048 ? (e.error.stack.substring(0, 2043) + '<...>') : e.error.stack; m_caller.Call("except", null, ns.JSONStringify(errInfo)); return; } catch(e) { ns.Log(e.message || e); } } this.ForceReceive = function() { m_callReceiver.ForceReceive(); } this.IsProductConnected = function() { return m_callReceiver.IsProductConnected(); } this.InitializePlugin = function (init) { init( function () { ActivatePlugin.apply(self, arguments); }, function () { RegisterMethod.apply(self, arguments); }, function () { Call.apply(self, arguments); }, function () { DeactivatePlugin.apply(self, arguments); }, function () { return SyncCall.apply(self, arguments); } ); }; this.GetResource = function(resourcePostfix, callbackSuccess, callbackError) { if (!m_caller.ResourceCall) { throw "Not implemented on transport GetResource"; } m_caller.ResourceCall(resourcePostfix, callbackSuccess, callbackError); } ns.AddEventListener(window, "unload", function() { if (!m_callReceiver.IsEmpty()) Stop(); }); }; var runners = {}; ns.AddRunner = function(pluginName, runnerFunc, initParameters, onConnectionError) { var options = { name: pluginName, runner: runnerFunc } if (initParameters) options.getParameters = function(){ return initParameters; }; if (onConnectionError) options.onConnectionError = onConnectionError; ns.AddRunner2(options); }; ns.AddRunner2 = function(options) { var runnerItem = { runner: options.runner }; if (options.onConnectionError) runnerItem.onConnectionError = options.onConnectionError; if (options.getParameters) runnerItem.getParameters = options.getParameters; if (options.stop) runnerItem.stop = options.stop; runners[options.name] = runnerItem; } ns.SessionLog = function(e) { if (kaspersyLabSessionInstance && kaspersyLabSessionInstance.IsProductConnected()) kaspersyLabSessionInstance.Log(e); else ns.Log(e); } ns.SessionError = function(e, injector) { if (kaspersyLabSessionInstance && kaspersyLabSessionInstance.IsProductConnected()) kaspersyLabSessionInstance.LogError(e, injector); else ns.Log(e); } ns.AddEventListener(window, "error", function(e) { if (kaspersyLabSessionInstance) kaspersyLabSessionInstance.UnhandledException(e); else ns.Log(e); }); ns.ContentSecurityPolicyNonceAttribute = ns.CSP_NONCE; function OnInitError() { PostponeInit(); for (var runner in runners) { try { var connectionErrorCallback = runners[runner].onConnectionError; if (connectionErrorCallback) connectionErrorCallback(); } catch(e) { ns.Log(e); } } } var SupportedCallerProvider = function() { var m_current = 0; var m_supportedCallers = []; if (ns.NMSTransportSupported) m_supportedCallers.push(new ns.NMSCaller); if (ns.WebSocketTransportSupported) m_supportedCallers.push(new ns.WebSocketCaller); if (ns.AjaxTransportSupported) m_supportedCallers.push(new ns.AjaxCaller); function FindSupportedImpl(callbackSuccess) { if (m_current < m_supportedCallers.length) { var caller = m_supportedCallers[m_current++]; caller.Start(function(){callbackSuccess(caller);}, function(){FindSupportedImpl(callbackSuccess);}); } else { m_current = 0; OnInitError(); } } this.FindSupported = function(callbackSuccess) { FindSupportedImpl(callbackSuccess); } } function LocalizationObjectFromDictionary(dictionary) { if (!dictionary) return null; var object = {}; for (var i = 0; i < dictionary.length; i++) object[dictionary[i].name] = dictionary[i].value; return object; } function Init() { var callerProvider = new SupportedCallerProvider; callerProvider.FindSupported( function(caller) { var injectors = ""; var pluginsInitData = []; for (var runner in runners) { if (injectors) injectors += '&'; injectors += runner; if (runners[runner].getParameters) pluginsInitData.push({plugin: runner, parameters: ns.JSONStringify(runners[runner].getParameters())}); } caller.InitCall( injectors, pluginsInitData, function(initSettings) { ns.IsRtl = initSettings.rtl; ns.GetCommandSrc = function() { return ns.GetBaseUrl() + initSettings.ajaxId + "/" + initSettings.sessionId; } kaspersyLabSessionInstance = new KasperskyLabSessionClass(caller); ns.SetInterval(function(){ if (!kaspersyLabSessionInstance.IsProductConnected()) PostponeInit(); }, 60000); var plugins = initSettings.plugins; if (!plugins) { ns.SessionLog("Empty plugins list recieved on init reponse"); return; } for (var i = 0, pluginsCount = plugins.length; i < pluginsCount; ++i) { try { var plugin = plugins[i]; var runner = runners[plugin.name]; if (runner) { var settings; if (ns.IsDefined(plugin.settingsJson)) settings = (plugin.settingsJson) ? ns.JSONParse(plugin.settingsJson) : null; else settings = plugin.settings; var localization = ns.IsDefined(plugin.localizationDictionary) ? LocalizationObjectFromDictionary(plugin.localizationDictionary) : plugin.localization; runner.runner(KasperskyLab, kaspersyLabSessionInstance, settings, localization); } } catch (e) { ns.SessionError(e); } } }, OnInitError); }); } var lastPostponedInitTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var postponedInitTimeout = null; function PostponeInit() { var nowPostponeTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var postponeDelay = (nowPostponeTime - lastPostponedInitTime) > 5000 ? 200 : 60 * 1000; lastPostponedInitTime = nowPostponeTime; clearTimeout(postponedInitTimeout) postponedInitTimeout = ns.SetTimeout(function () { Init(); }, postponeDelay); } ns.StartSession = function() { ns.SetTimeout(Init, 0); } })(KasperskyLab); KasperskyLab.AddRunner("wsm", function (ns, session) { if (window != window.top) return; var m_callFunction = null; var m_activatedState = 0; var m_activatedStateChangeTimeout; var m_documentTitleIsAvailable = false; var m_stateChangeDelayTimeout; function Initialize() { session.InitializePlugin(function(activatePlugin, registerMethod, callFunction) { m_callFunction = callFunction; activatePlugin("wsm", OnPing); registerMethod('wsm.forceRedirect', ForceRedirect); }); } function OnPing() { return ns.MaxRequestDelay; } function ForceRedirect(args) { ns.SessionLog('Force reload to address: ' + args.url); document.location.href = args.url; } function FireActivateEventImpl() { m_callFunction("wsm.sessionActivated", { title: document.title}, function () { if (m_activatedState === 3) ProcessDeactivate(); m_activatedState = 2; }); m_activatedState = 1; } function FireDeactivateEventImpl() { m_callFunction("wsm.sessionDeactivated", {title: document.title}, function () { if (m_activatedState === 1) ProcessActivate(); m_activatedState = 0; }); m_activatedState = 3; } function FireActivateEvent() { clearTimeout(m_stateChangeDelayTimeout); if (m_documentTitleIsAvailable || document.title) { m_documentTitleIsAvailable = true; FireActivateEventImpl(); } else { m_stateChangeDelayTimeout = ns.SetTimeout(function() { m_documentTitleIsAvailable = true; ProcessActivate(); }, 500); } } function FireDeactivateEvent() { if (m_documentTitleIsAvailable) FireDeactivateEventImpl(); else clearTimeout(m_stateChangeDelayTimeout); } function ProcessActivate() { clearTimeout(m_activatedStateChangeTimeout); m_activatedStateChangeTimeout = ns.SetTimeout(function() { if (m_activatedState === 0) FireActivateEvent(); else if (m_activatedState === 3) m_activatedState = 1; }, 0); } function ProcessDeactivate() { clearTimeout(m_activatedStateChangeTimeout); m_activatedStateChangeTimeout = ns.SetTimeout(function() { if (m_activatedState === 2) FireDeactivateEvent(); else if (m_activatedState === 1) m_activatedState = 3 }, 0); } function OnFocus() { if (m_callFunction) ProcessActivate(); } function OnBlur() { if (m_callFunction && !document.hasFocus()) ProcessDeactivate(); } Initialize(); if (document.hasFocus()) { FireActivateEvent(); ns.AddEventListener(window, "load", function() { if (!document.hasFocus()) ProcessDeactivate(); }); } if (window.addEventListener) { ns.AddEventListener(window, "focus", OnFocus); ns.AddEventListener(window, "blur", OnBlur); } else { ns.AddEventListener(document, "focusin", OnFocus); ns.AddEventListener(document, "focusout", OnBlur); } ns.AddEventListener(window, "unload", function() { clearTimeout(m_activatedStateChangeTimeout); m_activatedStateChangeTimeout = null; m_callFunction = null; }); if ("onhashchange" in window) { window.addEventListener("hashchange", function() { if (m_callFunction) m_callFunction("wsm.onHashChange", { newLocationUrl: document.location.href }, function() {}); }); } }, { referrer: document.referrer, stubId: (function () { var scripts = []; if (document.querySelectorAll) { scripts = document.querySelectorAll("[stubid]"); } else { var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) { if (allElements[i].getAttribute("stubid") !== null) scripts.push(allElements[i]); } } if (scripts && scripts.length > 0) return scripts[0].getAttribute("stubid"); return ""; })() }); KasperskyLab.AddRunner("wnt", function (ns, session) { var m_callFunction = null; function Initialize() { session.InitializePlugin(function(activatePlugin, registerMethod, callFunction) { m_callFunction = callFunction; activatePlugin("wnt", OnPing); }); } function OnPing() { return ns.MaxRequestDelay; } Initialize(); }, { referrer: document.referrer }); KasperskyLab.AddRunner("vs", function (ns, session) { var VisitedSites = function () { var m_callFunction = function () { }; var m_domParser = ns.GetDomParser(session); var m_flags = { "onPasswordEntered": false, "onAddressEntered": false, "onCardEntered": false }; function OnPing() { return ns.MaxRequestDelay; } session.InitializePlugin( function (activatePlugin, registerMethod, callFunction) { m_callFunction = callFunction; activatePlugin("vs", OnPing); ns.AddRemovableEventListener(document, "keydown", OnKeyDown); ns.AddRemovableEventListener(document, "change", OnKeyDown); }); function MakeCallback(flag, target) { if (m_flags[flag] || !target) return function () { }; return function (result, selectors) { if (result || m_flags[flag]) return; for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) { if (m_flags[flag]) return; var element = document.querySelector(selectors[i]); if (element && element === target) { m_flags[flag] = true; if (m_flags["onPasswordEntered"] && m_flags["onAddressEntered"] && m_flags["onCardEntered"]) { ns.RemoveEventListener(document, "keydown", OnKeyDown); ns.RemoveEventListener(document, "change", OnKeyDown); } m_callFunction("vs." + flag); } } } } function OnKeyDown(evt) { try { if (evt.target.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "input") return; m_domParser.GetPasswordSelectors(MakeCallback("onPasswordEntered", evt.target)); m_domParser.GetNewPasswordSelectors(MakeCallback("onPasswordEntered", evt.target)); m_domParser.GetAddressSelectors(MakeCallback("onAddressEntered", evt.target)); m_domParser.GetCardSelectors(MakeCallback("onCardEntered", evt.target)); } catch (e) { ns.SessionError(e, "vs"); } } } var instance = null; ns.RunModule(function () { if (!instance) instance = new VisitedSites; }); }); (function (ns) { ns.UrlAdvisorBalloon = function (session, locales) { var m_balloon = new ns.Balloon2("ua", "/ua/url_advisor_balloon.html", "/ua/balloon.css", session, GetCoordsCallback, OnCloseHandler, locales, OnDataReceiveHandler); var m_currentVerdict = null; var m_balloonElement = null; var m_markerDiv = null; var m_tagDiv = null; var m_mouseX = 0; var m_mouseY = 0; var ratingIds = [ {className:"green", headerNode:locales["UrlAdvisorBalloonHeaderGood"], textNode : locales["UrlAdvisorSetLocalContentOnlineGood"]}, {className:"grey", headerNode:locales["UrlAdvisorBalloonHeaderSuspicious"], textNode:locales["UrlAdvisorSetLocalContentOnlineSuspicious"]}, {className:"red", headerNode:locales["UrlAdvisorBalloonHeaderDanger"], textNode:locales["UrlAdvisorSetLocalContentOnlineDanger"]}, {className:"yellow", headerNode:locales["UrlAdvisorBalloonHeaderWmuf"], textNode : locales["UrlAdvisorSetLocalContentOnlineWmuf"]} ]; function GetCoordsCallback(balloonSize) { return GetCoord(balloonSize, m_mouseX, m_mouseY) } function OnCloseHandler(arg) { if(arg == 0) { m_balloon.Hide(); } } function OnDataReceiveHandler() { } function GetCoord(balloonSize, clientX, clientY) { var coord = {x: 0, y: 0}; var clientWidth = ns.GetPageWidth(); var halfWidth = balloonSize.width / 2; if (halfWidth > clientX) coord.x = 0; else if (halfWidth + clientX > clientWidth) coord.x = clientWidth - balloonSize.width; else coord.x = clientX - halfWidth; var clientHeight = ns.GetPageHeight(); coord.y = (clientY + balloonSize.height > clientHeight) ? clientY - balloonSize.height : clientY; if (coord.y < 0) coord.y = 0; var scroll = ns.GetPageScroll(); coord.y += scroll.top; coord.x += scroll.left; return coord; } this.HideBalloon = function() { m_balloon.Hide(); } this.ShowBalloon = function(clientX, clientY, verdict) { m_mouseX = clientX; m_mouseY = clientY; m_currentVerdict = verdict; m_balloon.Show(ratingIds[m_currentVerdict.rating - 1].className + " " + ns.md5(verdict.url), { verdict: m_currentVerdict, locales: locales }); } }; }) (KasperskyLab || {}); var PostponeCheckAtributeName = 'kl_' + KasperskyLab.GetCurrentTime(); var IconName = 'kl_' + KasperskyLab.GetCurrentTime(); KasperskyLab.AddRunner("ua", function (ns, session, settings, locales) { var UrlAdvisor = function() { var m_urlAdvisorBalloon = new ns.UrlAdvisorBalloon(session, locales); var m_enabled = settings.enable; var m_checkOnlySearchResults = settings.mode; var m_linkSelector = settings.linkSelector; var m_elementAfterSelector = settings.elementAfterSelector; var m_emptySearchResultSent = false; var m_postponeCategorizeStarted = false; var m_urlCategorizeRequestTime = 0; var m_observer; var m_callFunction = function(){}; var m_categorizingObjects = {}; var m_clearCategorizingObjectsTimerId; function AddToCategorizeList(url, linkElement) { if (url in m_categorizingObjects) { m_categorizingObjects[url].push(linkElement); } else { m_categorizingObjects[url] = [linkElement]; } } session.InitializePlugin(function(activatePlugin, registerMethod, callFunction){ m_callFunction = callFunction; activatePlugin('ua', OnPing); registerMethod('ua.verdict', SetVerdictDelayed); registerMethod('ua.settings', SetSettings); }); Run(); function OnPing(currentTime) { var timeFormRequest = (currentTime >= m_urlCategorizeRequestTime) ? currentTime - m_urlCategorizeRequestTime : 0; return timeFormRequest <= 10000 ? 500 : ns.MaxRequestDelay; } function GetHref(link) { try { return link.href; } catch(e){} try { return link.getAttribute('href'); } catch(e){} return ''; } function CreateIcon() { var icon = document.createElement("img"); icon.name = IconName; icon.width = 16; icon.height = 16; icon.style.cssText = "width: 16px!important; height: 16px!important;" icon.onclick = function (evt) { ns.StopProcessingEvent(evt); }; return icon; } function GetLinkIcon(linkElement) { var nextElement = linkElement.nextSibling; if (m_elementAfterSelector) { nextElement = linkElement.querySelector(m_elementAfterSelector); if (nextElement) nextElement = nextElement.nextSibling; else nextElement = linkElement.nextSibling; } return (nextElement !== null && nextElement.name == IconName) ? nextElement : undefined; } function GetOrCreateLinkIcon(linkElement) { var icon = GetLinkIcon(linkElement); if (icon) return icon; var nextElement = linkElement; if (m_elementAfterSelector) { nextElement = linkElement.querySelector(m_elementAfterSelector); if (!nextElement) nextElement = linkElement; } nextElement.parentNode.insertBefore(CreateIcon(), nextElement.nextSibling); return nextElement.nextSibling; } function GetLinkElementByIcon(icon) { if (!m_elementAfterSelector) return icon.previousSibling; var searchLinks = document.querySelectorAll(m_linkSelector); for (var i = 0; i < searchLinks.length; i++) { var elem = searchLinks[i].querySelector(m_elementAfterSelector); if (searchLinks[i].nextSibling === icon || (elem && elem.nextSibling === icon)) return searchLinks[i]; } return icon.previousSibling; } function UpdateIconImage(icon, verdict) { if (verdict.rating === 1) { icon.src = locales["UrlAdvisorGoodImage.png"]; icon['kis_status'] = 16; } else if (verdict.rating === 2) { icon.src = locales["UrlAdvisorSuspiciousImage.png"]; icon['kis_status'] = 8; } else if (verdict.rating === 3) { icon.src = locales["UrlAdvisorDangerImage.png"]; icon['kis_status'] = 4; } else if (verdict.rating === 4) { icon.src = locales["UrlAdvisorwmufImage.png"]; } } function SubscribeIconOnMouseEvents(icon, verdict) { var balloonTimerId = 0; ns.AddEventListener(icon, "mouseout", function() { if (balloonTimerId) { clearTimeout(balloonTimerId); balloonTimerId = 0; } }); ns.AddEventListener(icon, "mouseover", function(args) { if (!balloonTimerId) { var clientX = args.clientX; var clientY = args.clientY; balloonTimerId = ns.SetTimeout(function() { m_urlAdvisorBalloon.ShowBalloon(clientX, clientY, verdict); balloonTimerId = 0; }, 300); } }); } function IsElementEmpty(linkElement) { return !linkElement.offsetHeight && !linkElement.offsetWidth && !linkElement.outerText && !linkElement.text; } function SetVerdictForUrl(verdict) { try { if (!(verdict.url in m_categorizingObjects)) return; var linkElements = m_categorizingObjects[verdict.url]; for (var linkIndex = 0; linkIndex < linkElements.length; ++linkIndex) { if (IsElementEmpty(linkElements[linkIndex])) continue; linkElements[linkIndex][PostponeCheckAtributeName] = false; var icon = GetOrCreateLinkIcon(linkElements[linkIndex]); if (!icon) continue; UpdateIconImage(icon, verdict); SubscribeIconOnMouseEvents(icon, verdict); } } catch (e) { ns.SessionError(e, "ua"); } delete m_categorizingObjects[verdict.url]; } function SetVerdict(argument) { for (var currentVerdict = 0; currentVerdict < argument.verdicts.length; currentVerdict++) SetVerdictForUrl(argument.verdicts[currentVerdict]); } function SetVerdictDelayed(argument) { ns.SetTimeout(function(){SetVerdict(argument);}, 1000); } function SetSettingsImpl(argument) { m_enabled = argument.enable; if (!m_enabled) return; m_checkOnlySearchResults = argument.mode; } function ClearImages() { var images = document.getElementsByName(IconName); while (images.length > 0) images[0].parentNode.removeChild(images[0]); } function ClearAttributes() { for (var i = 0; i < document.links.length; ++i) if (document.links[i][PostponeCheckAtributeName]) document.links[i][PostponeCheckAtributeName] = false; } function SetSettings(argument) { ClearImages(); ClearAttributes(); SetSettingsImpl(argument); CategorizeUrl(); } function IsNeedCategorizeLink(linkElement) { try { return !linkElement.isContentEditable && !!linkElement.parentNode && !GetLinkIcon(linkElement) && !linkElement[PostponeCheckAtributeName] && !IsElementEmpty(linkElement); } catch(e) { ns.SessionLog('check link exception: ' + (e.message || e)); return false; } } function ProcessDomChange() { try { ns.SessionLog('UA: Process dom change'); if (!m_postponeCategorizeStarted) { ns.SetTimeout(CategorizeUrl, 500); m_postponeCategorizeStarted = true; } var images = document.getElementsByName(IconName); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; ++i) { var linkNode = GetLinkElementByIcon(images[i]); if (!linkNode || !linkNode.nodeName || linkNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "a") { var imageNode = images[i]; imageNode.parentNode.removeChild(imageNode); } } } catch (e) { ns.SessionError("ua dom change handling exception\r\n: " + (e.message || e) + (e.stack?"\r\n"+e.stack:""), "ua"); } } function CategorizeUrl() { try { if (!m_enabled) { ns.SessionLog("skip categorize links because UA disabled"); return; } ns.SessionLog('UA: collect links for categorize'); m_postponeCategorizeStarted = false; var linksForCategorize = []; var linksForCheck = []; if (!m_checkOnlySearchResults) linksForCheck = document.links; else if (m_linkSelector && m_checkOnlySearchResults) linksForCheck = document.querySelectorAll(m_linkSelector); for (var i = 0; i < linksForCheck.length; i++) { var link = linksForCheck[i]; if (IsNeedCategorizeLink(link)) { link[PostponeCheckAtributeName] = true; var href = GetHref(link); if (!!href) { linksForCategorize.push(href); AddToCategorizeList(href, link); } else { ns.Log("access to href blocked by browser"); } } } var isEmptySearchResult = m_linkSelector && m_checkOnlySearchResults && linksForCheck.length == 0; if (isEmptySearchResult || linksForCategorize.length) { if (isEmptySearchResult) { if (m_emptySearchResultSent) return; m_emptySearchResultSent = true; } m_callFunction("ua.categorize", {links: linksForCategorize}); m_urlCategorizeRequestTime = ns.GetCurrentTime(); clearTimeout(m_clearCategorizingObjectsTimerId); m_clearCategorizingObjectsTimerId = ns.SetTimeout(function () { m_categorizingObjects = {}; }, 1000 * 60 * 5); } else { ns.SessionLog("UA not found links for categorization"); } } catch (e) { ns.SessionError("ua categorize exception\r\n: " + (e.message || e)+ (e.stack?"\r\n"+e.stack:""), "ua"); } } function Run() { CategorizeUrl(); m_observer = ns.GetDomChangeObserver("a"); m_observer.Start(ProcessDomChange); ns.AddEventListener(window, "load", CategorizeUrl); }; }; var instance = null; ns.RunModule(function() { if (!instance) instance = new UrlAdvisor(); }, 2500); }); KasperskyLab.AddRunner("cb", function (ns, session, settings, locales) { var ContentBlocker = function () { var m_idleStartTime = ns.GetCurrentTime(); var m_callFunction = function () {}; var m_deactivateFunction; session.InitializePlugin(function (activatePlugin, registerMethod, callFunction, deactivatePlugin) { m_deactivateFunction = deactivatePlugin; m_callFunction = callFunction; activatePlugin('cb', OnPing); registerMethod('cb.reloadUrl', ReloadUrl); registerMethod('cb.blockImage', BlockImage); registerMethod('cb.shutdown', function () { deactivatePlugin('cb'); }); }); function OnPing(currentTime) { var idleTime = (currentTime >= m_idleStartTime) ? currentTime - m_idleStartTime : 0; return idleTime <= 10000 ? 500 : ns.MaxRequestDelay; } function ReloadUrl() { ns.SessionLog("Start reload url " + document.readyState); m_idleStartTime = ns.GetCurrentTime(); window.location.reload(true); } function BlockImage(blockImageRequest) { var blockImageResponse = { blockedImagesCount: 0, requestId: "" }; var SendResponse = function() { m_callFunction("cb.BlockResults", blockImageResponse); SendResponse = function() {} } try { blockImageResponse.requestId = blockImageRequest.requestId; var blockImageByPath = function(url) { var endsWithUrl = function(pattern) { var d = pattern.length - url.length; return d >= 0 && pattern.lastIndexOf(url) === d; }; var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i = 0; i != images.length; ++i) { if (endsWithUrl(images[i].src)) if (images[i].style.display != 'none') { images[i].style.display = 'none'; ++blockImageResponse.blockedImagesCount; } } } for (var i = 0; i != blockImageRequest.urls.length; ++i) { blockImageByPath(blockImageRequest.urls[i]); } SendResponse(); } catch(e) { SendResponse(); throw e; } } }; new ContentBlocker(); }); var KasperskyLab = (function (ns) { function DomParser(session) { var m_callFunction = function(){}; var m_logins = []; var m_passwords = []; var m_newPasswords = []; var m_address = []; var m_card = []; var m_cachedFlag = false; var m_pathName = document.location.pathname; var m_selectorsRequested = false; var m_callbacksQueue = []; function OnGetFieldsCallback(result, selectors, callback) { if (result == 0 && selectors) { if (selectors.loginSelectors) Array.prototype.push.apply(m_logins, selectors.loginSelectors); if (selectors.passwordSelectors) Array.prototype.push.apply(m_passwords, selectors.passwordSelectors); if (selectors.newPasswordSelectors) Array.prototype.push.apply(m_newPasswords, selectors.newPasswordSelectors); if (selectors.addressSelectors) Array.prototype.push.apply(m_address, selectors.addressSelectors); if (selectors.cardSelectors) Array.prototype.push.apply(m_card, selectors.cardSelectors); m_cachedFlag = true; } m_selectorsRequested = false; for (var i = 0; i < m_callbacksQueue.length; ++i) { m_callbacksQueue[i](result); } } function CallService(argObject) { m_callFunction("dp.onGetFields", argObject, OnGetFieldsCallback); } function IsVisible(element) { var style = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(element) : element.currentStyle; return style.display !== "none"; } function ProcessChilds(childNodes) { for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; ++i) { var element = childNodes[i]; if (element.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (!IsVisible(element)) element.setAttribute("wfd-invisible", true); else ProcessChilds(element.childNodes); } } function ProcessNextGroupElement(tree, finishCallback) { var currentNode = tree.currentNode; var counter = 0; while(currentNode) { ++counter; currentNode.setAttribute("wfd-invisible", true); currentNode = tree.nextNode(); if (counter == 100) { ns.SetTimeout(function(){ProcessNextGroupElement(tree, finishCallback);}, 0); return; } } finishCallback(); } function GetSelectorsWithTreeWalker() { var filter = { acceptNode: function(node) { if (node && node.parentNode && node.parentNode.getAttribute("wfd-invisible") === true) return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; if (node && !IsVisible(node)) return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; } } var tree = document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, filter.acceptNode, false); var finishCallback = function(){ CallService({dom: "" + document.body.innerHTML + ""}); } ProcessNextGroupElement(tree, finishCallback); } function GetSelectorsFromService() { try { ProcessChilds(document.body.childNodes); } catch (e) { ns.SessionLog(e); } CallService({dom: document.documentElement.innerHTML}); } function GetSelectorsInternal(callback, selectors) { if (m_cachedFlag) { if (selectors.length > 0) callback(0, selectors); return; } var clientCallback = function (result) { callback(result, selectors); }; m_callbacksQueue.push(clientCallback); if (!m_selectorsRequested) { m_selectorsRequested = true; if (document.createTreeWalker) GetSelectorsWithTreeWalker(); else GetSelectorsFromService(); } } this.GetLoginSelectors = function(clientCallback) { GetSelectorsInternal(clientCallback, m_logins); } this.GetPasswordSelectors = function (clientCallback) { GetSelectorsInternal(clientCallback, m_passwords); } this.GetNewPasswordSelectors = function (clientCallback) { GetSelectorsInternal(clientCallback, m_newPasswords); } this.GetAddressSelectors = function (clientCallback) { GetSelectorsInternal(clientCallback, m_address); } this.GetCardSelectors = function (clientCallback) { GetSelectorsInternal(clientCallback, m_card); } function OnPing() { return ns.MaxRequestDelay; } function OnInitializeCallback(activatePlugin, registerMethod, callFunction) { m_callFunction = callFunction; activatePlugin("dp", OnPing); } function ResetCacheFlag() { m_cachedFlag = false; } function UpdateLocationPathName() { if(m_pathName != document.location.pathname) { m_pathName = document.location.pathname; ResetCacheFlag(); } } var m_originalPushState = function(){}; function PushStateWrapper() { m_originalPushState.apply(window.history, [].slice.call(arguments)); ResetCacheFlag(); } function InitializePlugin() { session.InitializePlugin(OnInitializeCallback); ns.AddEventListener(window, "popstate", ResetCacheFlag); ns.AddEventListener(document, "load", UpdateLocationPathName); if (window.history && window.history.pushState) { m_originalPushState = window.history.pushState; window.history.pushState = PushStateWrapper; } } InitializePlugin(); } var gDomParser; ns.GetDomParser = function(session) { if (!gDomParser) gDomParser = new DomParser(session); return gDomParser; } return ns; }) (KasperskyLab || {}); var oldSetRequestHeader = window.XMLHttpRequest && window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader; var oldOpen = window.XMLHttpRequest && window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; var oldSend = window.XMLHttpRequest && window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; var oldFetch = window.fetch; var xhrProxyEnabled = true; var processPostAjaxInSession = function(){}; function NormalizeUrl(url) { var e = document.createElement("a"); e.href = url; return e.href; } function IsInternalUrl(url) { return KasperskyLab.IsRelativeTransport() ? false : url.indexOf(KasperskyLab.PREFIX) == 0; } if (oldFetch) { var oldRequest = Request; var oldFunctionToString = Function.prototype.toString; var fetchCallImpl = function () { var clsNew = function (Cls) { return new (KasperskyLab.FunctionBind.apply(Cls, arguments))(); } var args = [].slice.call(arguments); args.unshift(oldRequest); var request = clsNew.apply(this, args); if (xhrProxyEnabled && !KasperskyLab.IsCorsRequest(request.url, document.location.href)) { request.headers.append(KasperskyLab.RequestCustomHeader, 'Ajax_Request'); } return oldFetch.apply(this, [request]); }; window.fetch = function () { return fetchCallImpl.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; window.fetch.toString = function () { return oldFunctionToString.apply(oldFetch, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; } if (oldSend) { var m_requests = {}; var m_idCounter = 0; var addDescriptor = function(requestDescriptor) { var id = ++m_idCounter; KasperskyLab.SetTimeout(function() { delete m_requests[id]; }, 60 * 1000) m_requests[id] = requestDescriptor; } var findRequestDescriptor = function(request) { for (var index in m_requests) { if (m_requests[index].request == request) return m_requests[index]; } } var deleteDescriptor = function(request) { for (var index in m_requests) { if (m_requests[index].request == request) { delete m_requests[index]; } } } var xhrOpenProcessor = function() { try { if (xhrProxyEnabled && arguments.length > 1 && typeof (arguments[0]) == 'string') { var requestDescriptor = {request: this, isCORS: KasperskyLab.IsCorsRequest(arguments[1], document.location.href)}; if (requestDescriptor.isCORS && arguments[0].toLowerCase() == 'post' && !IsInternalUrl(NormalizeUrl(arguments[1]))) { var sendCallback = processPostAjaxInSession.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); if (sendCallback) requestDescriptor.RequestSend = sendCallback; } addDescriptor(requestDescriptor); } } catch(e) { KasperskyLab.SessionError(e, "xhr"); } oldOpen.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; var xhrSetRequestHeaderProcessor = function() { try { if (arguments.length && typeof(arguments[0]) == 'string' && arguments[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(KasperskyLab.RequestCustomHeader.toLowerCase()) === 0) { var requestDescriptor = findRequestDescriptor(this); if (requestDescriptor) { requestDescriptor.headerSet = true; delete requestDescriptor.RequestSend; } else { requestDescriptor = {request: this, headerSet: true}; addDescriptor(requestDescriptor); } } } catch(e) { KasperskyLab.SessionError(e, "xhr"); } return oldSetRequestHeader.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; var xhrSendProcessor = function() { try { var requestDescriptor = findRequestDescriptor(this); if (xhrProxyEnabled && requestDescriptor) { deleteDescriptor(this); if (!requestDescriptor.isCORS && !requestDescriptor.headerSet) oldSetRequestHeader.apply(this, [KasperskyLab.RequestCustomHeader, 'Ajax_Request']); if (requestDescriptor.RequestSend) { requestDescriptor.RequestSend.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); return; } } } catch(e) { KasperskyLab.SessionError(e, "xhr"); } return oldSend.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); }; window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function () { return xhrOpenProcessor.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); } window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function () { return xhrSendProcessor.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); } window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader = function () { return xhrSetRequestHeaderProcessor.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); } } KasperskyLab.AddRunner("xhr_content", function (ns, session) { var m_callFunction = null; function Initialize() { xhrProxyEnabled = true; session.InitializePlugin(function(activatePlugin, registerMethod, callFunction) { m_callFunction = callFunction; activatePlugin("xhr_content", OnPing, OnError); processPostAjaxInSession = function() { var sendArguments; var request; var notifyComplete = false; var async = arguments.length < 3 || typeof(arguments[2]) != 'boolean' || arguments[2]; var callback = function() { if (request) oldSend.apply(request, sendArguments); else notifyComplete = true; } var remoteFunctionName = "xhr.ajaxRequestNotify"; var targetUrl = NormalizeUrl(arguments[1]) var remoteFunctionArguments = { url: targetUrl }; var result = m_callFunction(remoteFunctionName, remoteFunctionArguments, callback, callback, async); if (!result && !async) { m_callFunction(remoteFunctionName, remoteFunctionArguments, callback, callback); notifyComplete = true; } return function() { if (notifyComplete) { oldSend.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments)); } else { sendArguments = arguments.length > 0 ? [ arguments[0] && arguments[0].slice ? arguments[0].slice() : arguments[0] ] : []; request = this; } }; }; }); } function OnPing() { return ns.MaxRequestDelay; } function OnError() { xhrProxyEnabled = false; } Initialize(); }, { referrer: document.referrer }); (function (ns) { ns.RequestCustomHeader = "X-KL-Ajax-Request"; }) (KasperskyLab || {}); var KasperskyLab = (function (ns) { ns.Balloon2 = function(pluginName, balloonSrc, balloonCssPostfix, session, getCoordCallback, onCloseHandler, locales, onDataReceiveHandler) { var m_balloon = document.createElement("iframe"); var m_balloonId = pluginName + "_b"; var m_balloonSize = null; var m_sizeCache = {}; var m_initStyleDataPair = {}; var m_isInitSent = false; var m_updateTimeout; var m_firstCreate = true; var m_callFunction = function(){}; function ChangeSchemeIfNeed(url) { if (document.location.protocol === "https:") return url.replace("http:", "https:"); return url; } function InitializeBalloon() { m_balloon.scrolling = "no"; m_balloon.frameBorder = "0"; m_balloon.style.border = "0"; m_balloon.style.height = "1px"; m_balloon.style.width = "1px"; m_balloon.style.left = "1px"; m_balloon.style.top = "1px"; m_balloon.allowTransparency = "true"; m_balloon.style.zIndex = "2147483647"; m_balloon.style.position = "absolute"; document.body.appendChild(m_balloon); HideBalloon(); } function OnPing() { return IsDisplayed() ? 100 : ns.MaxRequestDelay; } function SendToFrame(args) { m_balloon.contentWindow.postMessage(ns.JSONStringify(args), GetResourceUrl()); } function OnSizeMessage(sizeMessage) { var size = { height: sizeMessage.height, width: sizeMessage.width }; if (size.height != 0 && size.width != 0) PutSizeInCache(sizeMessage.style, size); SetupBalloon(size); } function OnCloseMessage(closeData) { HideBalloon(); if (onCloseHandler && closeData.closeAction) onCloseHandler(closeData.closeAction); } function OnDataMessage(data) { if (onDataReceiveHandler) onDataReceiveHandler(data); } function GetResourceUrl() { return balloonCssPostfix ? ns.GetResourceSrc(balloonSrc) + "?cssSrc=" + encodeURIComponent(ChangeSchemeIfNeed(ns["GetResourceSrc"](balloonCssPostfix))) : ns.GetResourceSrc(balloonSrc); } function CreateBalloon(style, data, size) { if (m_firstCreate) { InitializeBalloon(); m_firstCreate = false; } DisplayBalloon(); if (m_balloon.src) { UpdateBalloon(style, data); return; } m_initStyleDataPair = {style: style, data: data}; m_balloon.src = GetResourceUrl(); var balloonSize = size ? size : GetSizeFromCache(style); var dataToFrame = { command: "init", pluginName: m_balloonId, isRtl: ns.IsRtl, needSize: !balloonSize, style: style }; if (data) dataToFrame.data = data; if (size) dataToFrame.explicitSize = size; if (locales) dataToFrame.locales = locales; dataToFrame.commandUrl = ChangeSchemeIfNeed(ns.GetCommandSrc()); ns.AddEventListener(m_balloon, "load", function(){SendInit(dataToFrame);}); if (balloonSize) { clearTimeout(m_updateTimeout); m_updateTimeout = ns.SetTimeout(function(){SetupBalloon(balloonSize);}, 0); } } function SendInit(dataToFrame) { dataToFrame.style = m_initStyleDataPair.style; dataToFrame.data = m_initStyleDataPair.data; m_isInitSent = true; SendToFrame(dataToFrame); session.ForceReceive(); } function DisplayBalloon() { m_balloon.style.display = ""; session.ForceReceive(); } function IsDisplayed() { return !m_firstCreate && m_balloon.style.display === ""; } function HideBalloon() { m_balloon.style.display = "none"; } function DestroyBalloon() { m_balloon.blur(); document.body.removeChild(m_balloon); m_firstCreate = true; m_balloonSize = null; } function PositionBalloon() { if (!m_balloonSize) return; var coords = getCoordCallback(m_balloonSize); var newHeight = m_balloonSize.height + "px"; var newWidth = m_balloonSize.width + "px"; if (newHeight !== m_balloon.style.height || newWidth !== m_balloon.style.width) { m_balloon.style.height = newHeight; m_balloon.style.width = newWidth; ns.SessionLog("Change balloon size " + m_balloonId + " height: " + newHeight + " width: " + newWidth); } var newX = Math.round(coords.x).toString() + "px"; var newY = Math.round(coords.y).toString() + "px"; if (newX !== m_balloon.style.left || newY !== m_balloon.style.top) { m_balloon.style.left = newX; m_balloon.style.top = newY; ns.SessionLog("Change balloon position " + m_balloonId + " x: " + newX + " y: " + newY); } } function SetupBalloon(balloonSize) { m_balloonSize = balloonSize; PositionBalloon(); } function UpdateBalloon(style, data) { if (!m_isInitSent) m_initStyleDataPair = {style: style, data: data}; var sizeFromCache = GetSizeFromCache(style); clearTimeout(m_updateTimeout); if (sizeFromCache) { m_updateTimeout = ns.SetTimeout(function(){SetupBalloon(sizeFromCache);}, 0); } else { m_balloon.style.height = "1px"; m_balloon.style.width = "1px"; m_balloonSize = {height: 1, width: 1}; } var dataToFrame = { command: "update", style: style, data: data, needSize: !sizeFromCache }; SendToFrame(dataToFrame); } function GetSizeFromCache(style) { return m_sizeCache[style ? style.toString() : ""]; } function PutSizeInCache(style, size) { m_sizeCache[style ? style.toString() : ""] = size; } this.Show = function(style, data) { CreateBalloon(style, data); } this.ShowWithSize = function(style, data, size) { CreateBalloon(style, data, size); } this.Resize = function(size) { SetupBalloon(size); } this.Hide = function() { HideBalloon(); } this.Update = function(style, data) { UpdateBalloon(style, data); } this.UpdatePosition = function() { PositionBalloon(); } this.Destroy = function() { DestroyBalloon(); } this.IsFocused = function() { if (!m_balloon) return false; return document.activeElement == m_balloon; } function OnFrameDataMessage(argument) { if (!argument) { ns.SessionLog(m_balloonId + " empty argument"); return; } if (!argument.message) { ns.SessionLog(m_balloonId + " empty message."); return; } var message = ns.JSONParse(argument.message); if (message.type === "size") OnSizeMessage(message.data); else if (message.type === "close") OnCloseMessage(message.data); else if (message.type === "data") OnDataMessage(message.data); else if (message.type === "trace") ns.SessionLog(message.data); else ns.SessionError("Unknown message type\r\n: " + message.type, "balloon"); } function Init() { session.InitializePlugin( function (activatePlugin, registerMethod, callFunction) { m_callFunction = callFunction; activatePlugin(m_balloonId, OnPing); registerMethod(m_balloonId + ".message", OnFrameDataMessage); }); } Init(); }; return ns; }) (KasperskyLab || {}); KasperskyLab.StartSession(); })();